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TAG Curriculum

4J School-wide TAG Plan

Tag Overview Flyer TAG_Overview_14

4j District TAG Website 

Roosevelt Middle School – Principal, Courtney Leonard

TAG Coordinator – Lee Baker  Email:

Differentiation strategies in place in the classrooms include:

  • Flexible Grouping in reading and math within classroom, grade level, and/or school to serve students at their individual
  • rate and level
  • Compacting curriculum (student not required to do assignments where mastery is demonstrated)
  • Other grouping (ability, interest) within classroom, grade levels, or school (Chess club, rocketry class, debate)
  • Tiering lessons (Students assigned a different book in the same genre based on reading ability, for example)
  • Higher Level Questioning Strategies (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
  • Independent Project Work (Affinity Projects motivated by student interest)
  • Enrichment options (Student-created smart board interactive lesson on Oregon Trail, for example)
  • Use of mentors

Pre-assessment or on-going formative assessments used to help inform instruction include:

  • Pre-assessments for units or course of study
  • KWL Chart
  • Teacher Observation
  • Reading – Teacher created assessments
  • Math – Pre-assessments from math units
  • EasyCBM Benchmark and Progress Monitoring
  • Teachers use the data from these assessments to inform instruction in the following way:
  • To identify which students should receive specific differentiated instruction and which instructional strategy will best meet their needs.
  • Tier two instructional groups are formed from the data
  • Regular progress monitoring will determine the pacing or rate of instruction a student needs as well as grouping changes needed